The Indian gaming market as a whole is one that is seeing exponential growth and it seems there are no signs that it will slow down. Of course gaming can take many different forms and is played on different platforms; console, PC, mobile and VR. It should also be highlighted, and that is what we intend to do here, that the gaming sector is not restricted to your typical first person-shooter or FIFA games. Gaming also encompasses online casino, which has also mirrored the growth of its less-controversial counterparts in India.
What is the Indian Games Expo?
The Indian Games Expo is India’s largest and longest-running video games conference. It takes place annually in Mumbai and showcases the fast growing games industry in India. Not only the games themselves are on display for consumers, but the software, technology and services which surround the industry are also on show.

As IGX expands, we are considering how it also showcases online casino gaming in a more roundabout way. While the Games Expo has never really covered or featured Indian online casino gaming, it has displayed a lot of the technology that has been used in developing the best casino games on the market. The tech, security and subsequent high quality gameplay on mobile is second to none. It’s quite possible that both the casino gaming and more traditional gaming industries can learn a lot from each other and continue to grow together in India.
Branded Games Found in Both Entertainment and Casino
Many game providers have created games around film or entertainment brands and had great success with this. It’s not uncommon to find Marvel Playstation Games or Batman Xbox games on the market. Similar can be said for online slots, where you can find everything from Marvel to Gordon Ramsey to The Pink Panther. If it’s popular in its original sector then there’s no reason why it can’t be popular as a game.
The Future
Although there are some Indian games conferences that solely feature online casino gaming, the Indian Games Expo does not at present. Due to the crossover of talent, software and branding that are involved with entertainment and casino it would make sense in the future if this were to happen. If there are no legal barriers to featuring a wider spread of the gaming industry at the Indian Gaming Expo, it could happen in the future.